Wednesday, November 18, 2009

here's a picture of LILY. and the horrible neon orange school shirts they wear.

went to the P&C meeting yesterday afternoon, a hour and half and i must say the conversation got heated. It was a group of well to do mothers about 6 of them against myself and 1 other lovely lady.

the well to do mothers apparently dont mind paying $30 a school t-shirt but i think that is rediculous, considering when i lived at dingo in the middle of no where the school shirts were better quality and they were something like $11 each. here we have access to places like Bigw and best and less and kmart where they all sell school uniforms for cheap , but no the school has to go and buy from a special uniform shop. where they will cost us a bloody fortune. too bad if you got 6 kids school age in one family.

I must admit that the style shirt they have chosen is better, unfortunately they are still going to be bright orange and green but just not so much orange it will be 1/4 panel at top of shirt =breast up will be orange and the rest will be bottle green.

THank god but im still spewin at the price, cause 5x $30 =$150 for one child for a weeks worth of shirts that she will grow out of in a year anyway.

I feel sorry for the woman that was on my side of the argument as she has 2 kids so thats $300 for a weeks worth of shirts. YOu all may think why do you need 5 shirts .

well its simple, we live in the sticks so we live on tank water, No rain means no water and you dont want to have to be washing school shirts every 2nd day if you only have 2 shirts. and little water.

but the well todo families dont give a rats .

anyway i will be back in a few hours to show you more pics of another quilt i made in the last 2 months.

got some things to do

stay smilin.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Site Activation

Site Activation: " "

i got the blues,, pineapple blossom.

Here is one of the Quilts i have finished since being back in Gladstone, It is a pineapple blossom block , I borrowed the pattern from bonnie hunters Quiltville, web site. i like this pattern so much i did 2 of them.

But this is the blue one. This one is mine it is on the spare bed , i wasnt giving this one up.

Please tell me , is there such thing as a part time OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder)??? once in a while it happens to me , I started out this morning only needing to wash up and put the dishes away, 10mins at the max , WELL it ended up being a 3 hour marathon, of washing kitchen walls and scrubbing and bleaching in between tiles and re-arranging my counters, cleaning out cupboards, scrubbing skirting boards.

can some one explain to me why this happens?? it has me stumped...

i have other house work to do today but it wont be like that lol.

im off to the school this afternoon to a P&C meeting , i guess you could say it is the same as americans PTA. I feel there is going to be a rather abrupt conversation about our school uniform. The school has decided to change it, WHICH IS FINE BY ME for the last 2 terms i have struggled with these expensive shirts that you cannot get the stains out off. no matter what you do to them!!!

So i will be stoked if they change the shirts as long as it isnt the same colour as the ones we have currently or it isnt made from the same fabric as the current ones . I cannot figure out what the problem is colour is showing up stains really badly or the horrible fabric they are made from holding the stain in .. ???? OH by the way the shirts are neon orange... mind you at the price of them you would expect them to be better quality $25 a t-shirt is just not fine with me.

so i will keep yall posted .

stay smilin.


Monday, November 16, 2009

a new blog

well hello big wide world, yes this is me the hefty quilter, i some how forgot my email or passoword for my old blog quiltybloggerythingery dunno but it wont let me in no matter what i use. so i thought stuff it i will just make a new one.

a up date of whats been happening since i last blogged.

* moved back to gladstone (back to civilization))
* finished 2 quilts since i have been back in gladstone. I finally have room to quilt
* the worst half got a new job here in gladdy
* things are tight but im looking for a job.

i have a interview with coles (grocery store) this arvo at 4.40
and another interview with bunnings on thursday
so i hope i get one of them other wise there will be no more sewing for me!! my stash box is very very empty i think i have a total of 6 yards of fabric left , so yes its pretty grim.

lily (5) is liking her new school , she has made plenty of friends, its great cause the teacher aide at her school is the teacher aide that i had when i was at school. some 24 years ago.

i have the blocks done for a sisters choice quilt, just have to wait till i get a job to buy more fabric so i can finish it , then it will be donated to our rural fire brigade to be raffled off , for much needed funds to help out our fire brigade.

what else??? ummmmmmm
im not a angry ant as much as i used to be, oh yes it has been 7 months since i quit smoking and i havent caved in , so now i have tackled that nasty habbit it is on to the bigggest addiction i have and that is food.
recently got my bloods done and my doctor cant understand why i am 104kg because my sugar is good and my good and bad cholesterol are both low low. she said for some one that is so healthy really shouldnt be my size. so she wants me to take these pills and start 30mins a day exersize.
so another thing to wait till i get a job is these pills in which my doctor wants me to take , cant afford them right now cause they are $100 for 30 days worth. DUROMINE, if you have taken them please drop me a line and let me know how you went.

OH!! we havent set the date yet but this spring chicken is getting married. sometime in the next 12 months, but i guess that will also depend on the financial situation.

anyway im gonna sign off for now cause i have 10 tonne of stuff to do today.
stay smilin